International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems (HIMS)

Las vegas, USA, July 22-25, 2024


Submissions must be uploaded by the announced deadline to "evaluation website" CMT (Computer Management Toolkit) and they must be in word or pdf format (about 5 - 10 pages - single column single space). All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable. Please have the English of your paper checked if needed.

The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if your submitted paper is accepted) will be limited to 10 Two-column single-space (Word or Latex + pdf) pages, view proceedings guidelines. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
The first page of the draft paper should include:

The first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author by placing an * after their name and include 5-10 topical keywords that would best represent the content of the paper. All camera-ready papers should have an Abstract folowed by keywords.

Please make sure you follow the points below:

Full papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two members of the conference program committee. The referees' evaluations will then be reviewed by a co-chair of the program committee who will recommend a decision to the chair. The chair will make the final decision. Lastly, the final papers will be reviewed by one member of the program committee to ensure conformance with the requirements.

All accepted papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings by IEEE (CPS) (in both, printed book form as well as online). The proceedings will be indexed. Please refer to "Publication and Indexing" for details.